Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Concept Map of “Film”

    I asked my subject to construct a concept map of the “film” in a generic way by using the building blocks of “general attributes” and “specific attributes”. The concept map drawn by my subject shows that she has the following knowledge about the concept of “film”: 1) She is aware that the concept of “film” includes a group of things (different genres): action, comedy, love, adventure and drama films. 2) She mentions about the critical attribute of the “film”: it is a story conveyed with moving images. She goes further to mention the three specific attributes of the film: sound, color and movement. 3) She mentions that a general attribute of the “film” is that it involves actors, actresses, directors, producers and so on. 4) She also points out a superordinate concept to the “film”—“entertainment” and a subordinate concept –“editing”. She shows “editing” contains story elements, dialogue, music, sound effect and so on. 
    Although my subject misses some attributes of the film, such as: film provides emotional experiences, contains structure and plot, relies on imagination/fiction and so on. Generally speaking, I think my subject has a quite good understanding of the concept of “film”.

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