Friday, September 17, 2010

Hypertext VS. Linear Text.

The differences I would expect to see between groups that study with the hypertext and groups that study with the linear text are as follows.

*Hypertext Group*

Learners can navigate through the teaching content by clicking links and buttons so that they can quickly access to the information they need or they are interested in. There is high learner-control in the learning process.

Learners can access to the relevant sections efficiently.

Learners without specific goals or who are not familiar with the teaching content may be disoriented by the hyper-links. Comprehension problems may be caused as a result.

Cognitive overload:
Learners are more prone to cognitive overload because they are presented with multiple ways to studying the teaching content at any given time.

Attitude towards the visual appeal of teaching content:
Learns may find the teaching content with all the hierarchical structures and cross links more visually attractive.

*Linear Text Group*

Learners do not have choices in navigating; instead, they have to follow the sequence of the teaching content. There is lower learner-control in the learning process.

Basically learners need to study the linear texts from the beginning to the end.

Teaching content is presented in a linear and coherent way to ensure comprehension.

Cognitive overload:
Learners are less prone to cognitive overload because they are only allowed the linear movement within the teaching content.

Attitude towards the visual appeal of teaching content:
Learners may find the teaching content with mere linear texts less attractive.

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